Pokemon Klara Premium Tournament Collection Box
Enforce the Boss’s Orders or Play Like a Pop Star—with Cyrus or Klara! Team Galactic’s brooding leader Cyrus is a master manipulator, disrupting your opponent’s finely tuned plans with his ruthless Boss’s Orders! Klara will stop at nothing to promote her pop music career, even becoming a Gym Leader to gain popularity! Choose your approach and outfit your deck with protective sleeves and deck box inspired by the star character, plus a full play set of that character’s Supporter card and a stack of Pokémon TCG booster packs!
Each Pokémon TCG: Cyrus or Klara Premium Tournament Collection Includes:
• 1 full-art foil Supporter card featuring Cyrus OR Klara
• 3 additional foil Supporter cards featuring Cyrus OR Klara
• 65 card sleeves featuring Cyrus OR Klara
• A sturdy deck box featuring Cyrus OR Klara
• A large metallic coin featuring Cyrus OR Klara
• 2 coin condition markers
• 6 tournament-ready damage dice
• 7 Pokémon TCG booster packs
• A code card for Pokémon TCG Live
**All products are directly from distributors and factory sealed. We are not responsible for any manufacturer defects, slight packaging tears, etc.**
*We do not accept returns on delivered product*
**Cancelled orders are subject to the order processing fee incurred for a completed order (roughly 4%). This fee DOES NOT get refunded to us with cancelled orders**